How to use Upright?

Research integrity is more than simply following rules. Research integrity is a matter of character. It concerns researchers as a whole. Instead of asking: ”What should I do”, a better question in that sense may be: ”What kind of researcher should I be?”

In Upright we operate from a virtue ethical perspective. The goal is to become virtuous researchers yourself. Becoming a virtuous researcher takes time and effort. Simply knowing the rules is not enough. Practical wisdom, i.e. the ability to translate your good intentions into good actions, has to be trained by exercise. Through reflection, discussion and experience with research integrity dilemmas, acting with integrity can be engrained in the character.

In order to do this Upright provides information and opportunities for debate and reflection.

Upright is not a course to follow once and then never look at again. Integrity dilemmas have to be faced again and again: becoming a virtuous researcher is a lifelong learning process. Upright can help in that sense by first providing the basics on research integrity and then allowing discussions and reflection.

Upright contains several types of content, all of which can be accessed from the main screen of the course.

Start with the introductory module to get a general overview of the subject of research integrity.

This module is based on the film On Being A Scientist, produced by the Leiden University. This provides a rough overview of the subject and can be found here: On Being A Scientist: An introductory module.

Then there are various information modules providing concrete, to the point overviews on various topics of research integrity. For instance, Cont: Peer review, QRP: Predatory Publishing, RE: Animal studies and RE: Research Data Management. Many of these modules are written by experts in the field.

In the downloadable version of Upright you also have access to many polls questions and forums.
